Today we are asking, is the Peloton worth the price? When my husband and I first moved to West Hollywood 10 years ago, we sort of went a little workout crazy. We tried out just about every studio imaginable. There were the two yoga studios…obviously for relaxation. Then, the ill-fated Crossfit phase, where we both injured ourselves more than actually doing anything beneficial. And last but certainly not least, we even joined a trapeze school in Santa Monica. We still laugh since we were 100% convinced this would be our main workout… we did it once.

My brave husband trying out the trapeze. We were NOT naturals.
My brave husband trying out the trapeze. We were NOT naturals.

But over the past few months, as becoming gay dads turned into a reality, we began to wonder what we would do for our next workout routine. Could we still actually stay active with kids? And how could we ever fit a workout into our schedule? That’s when I decided to look into the ever-popular Peloton bike. I knew many loyal, cult-like followers. But would we be as equally into it?  We were already spending a lot of money with the surrogacy process. Would we actually use the thing?  In this latest post, we give our full Peloton review — sharing what we love and what we think could use some improvement. But first the big question that held us back from ripping off the Peloton bandage…

Is a Peloton Worth the Price? 

All the bells and whistles of the Peloton. One of the best features is the large video screen.
All the bells and whistles of the Peloton. One of the best features is the large video screen.

The price of the Peloton was the big barrier holding us back from joining the tribe. The upfront cost of the Peloton is $2,245, then $39 for a monthly membership. The cost does include delivery and set up.  Though, since it arrived during the coronavirus pandemic, the set up pretty much involved a moving crew dropping it off at our door step (while I kept encouraging them to come in a LITTLE further). This sucker is heavy! Luckily, it isn’t too difficult to move since it can roll on its front wheels into place.

So is it worth the price? We’ve been using it now for 3 months and personally we love it. But we do realize this is very much a personal choice. Are you the kind of person who wants to de-stress at the end of your day with a workout? Or would you rather do just about anything else? If so, it might turn out to be a very expensive drying rack for your clothes like the exercise bike I had while growing up.

Why Get a Peloton Bike? The Pro’s

Basically, I narrowed in on the 3 main reasons Peloton works for us.

  • More workout options/flexibility: Like so many of my friends, the reality of not hitting  the gym for months, seemed unbearable — whether it’s coronavirus or your kids keeping you at home. Whatever pushes you over the edge to make the purchase, we recommend setting realistic personal goals. One of our favorite features is the “Challenges” section, which tracks your monthly mileage and key milestones like the number of days you’ve worked out.
  • No excuses to miss your workout: So to be totally honest, I really didn’t know much about the Peloton before purchasing it (other than the cult-like following). There are live classes of course, but it wasn’t until about 2 weeks into having the bike that I realized there is an endless library of previously recorded classes on demand.  So we literally have no excuse not to use it. Plus, in our tiny West Hollywood condo, there is no escaping it as it rests right next to the TV set. Netflix and Ben & Jerry’s? Or a workout? Fine, I know what I should do. It’s such the guilt factor!
Joining Cody Rigsby’s on-demand class.
  • Built to last: The Peloton price is high, but I could tell the bike is built to withstand some significant riding. It’s sturdy and offers a smooth ride. The accessories, which I recommend purchasing with your bike, are equally up to the high quality of the Peloton brand. But the best feature of all? Undoubtedly, it is the touch screen, high def monitor.  Your pace and resistance is tracked in real time with suggested guides along the way. This feature really sets it apart from the competition.

The Not So Good?


We don’t have many complaints to be honest. So, like most spin studios, there are instructors you’ll love and others, not so much. I’ve had full on debates with friends over why some literally drive me crazy. Overall, the things that frustrate us are pretty minor in the big picture such as —

  • No workout pause button: This is something Peloton is looking to address from what I’ve read in online forums. Every so often life gets in the way of your workout. There is the ring at your door. The urgent phone call. If you’re a parent, the screaming from the bedroom.  Right now, you either have to ignore the screams (okay, probably a bad idea!) or just sacrifice your workout that keeps on going, with or without you.
  • Extra equipment not included: So you bought the bike. Yay! But wait, what about the floor cover? If you sweat as much as me, you’ll end up destroying the floor. Oh, and the bike shoes? I made the critical mistake of buying the bike but didn’t realize you needed the shoes. Also, everything is patented specifically for Peloton. Meaning, you’ll need to get the specialty cleats to go with it. Oops, I forgot to order those too! Want weights? Those are extra too. Sigh… I bought my stuff off Amazon, but if I had to do it all over again, I’d just pay the extra with Peloton and get it all at once.
Shoes and cleats are extra, along with other biking accessories.
  • Live classes not optimal for West Coasters: Since the main Peloton studio is based out of NYC, most of their live classes are set up for people in the eastern time zone. Sure, I could wake up at 5:30 AM (ergh), but I’m not much of a morning person. Luckily, I’m working from home these days, so I have more flexibility to get in a live class if I wanted. But so far, after 3 months, it still hasn’t happened.

Parting Thoughts on the Peloton

Kevin is having too much fun jamming out to ‘The Greatest Showman’ ride. Or as I call it, riding and Karaoke time.
Kevin is having too much fun jamming out to ‘The Greatest Showman’ ride. Or as I call it, riding and Karaoke time.

So is the Peloton expensive? Yes. Do we have any regrets on buying it? Absolutely not, especially with kids on the way, making our workout schedules even more complicated. That is, if we even have the energy with all the sleep deprivation. At least we can scale it based on our feeling that day. And we might be doing more of their 10 minute quickie rides vs the hardcore 1 hour rides. But hey, we’ll probably stick to this more than one of the many ridiculous workout trends I made us do when first arriving in LA. Like that aerobics trampoline class — and yes, that is an actual thing!

Oh, the ill-fated trampolining class. Yes, it felt just as ridiculous as this photo looks.

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